Days like this definitely help to put a positive spin on things. My perspective shifts from rock bottom to the highest point of the tallest mountain, even if only for a single day.
Today, I spent time hanging out with someone that I rarely see in person. We were originally supposed to just spend a few hours at the mall, so she could get some Christmas shopping. After were done, however, we spent a good hour and a half in Red Robin, then we came back to my place and played Rock Band 3 for 6 hours. That's right. 6 HOURS. And it was amazing!
Now, I don't typically play any single game for that long in a single sitting and honestly, I kinda' get bored of Rock Band in general after an hour or two, tops. But this time? We rocked out from 11pm to after 5AM and no one had a single complaint. The entire thing was pure fun and everyone ended the night on a happy, satisfying note.
Also, one of my friends helped me out by doing something that I straight up said I didn't have the balls to do--He removed the wasp nest from my window, which has been in this for many years. He did it without a hitch. Nothing remains and not a single wasp attacked, thanks to the cold weather killing them off for the season. As an added bonus, the (broken) air conditioner has been taken out, which leaves plenty of room for this huge window to let the cold air in. Since the heat is always on full blast, that's a very much needed winter blast. Otherwise, I'll end up burning up all day.
From here, seeing as I really don't have a whole lot else to say at the moment, it's time to wind down and get into bed; hopefully before the sun completely rises. But I will say this: I really hope that I get to spend more time like this with the people that I care about. It sucks being the odd man out or just outright being blown off. And hell, sometimes, I feel like I'm just not cool enough or important enough. But days like this prove me wrong; At least, in my own mind.
And for the record, I miss quite a few people right now. Hopefully the holiday spirit will bring us all together. Hell, maybe I'll get lucky enough for my friend from California to come visit. Or maybe I'll get rich and afford to pay her a visit! (Riiight.. I wish! Haha)
Anyway, good night ladies and gentlemen! Have a great day!
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